Low-Cost Programs for Senior Citizens in Monroe, LA

Are you a senior citizen living in Monroe, LA in need of low-cost or free programs? The City of West Monroe Louisiana - West Ouachita Senior Center is here to help. This nonprofit organization provides assistance programs funded by the federal government and the state of Louisiana to help low-income people become more self-sufficient. The Center for the Elderly offers a range of services to meet social needs, including utility bills and refrigeration assistance, nutrition assistance, rent and mortgage assistance, job placement, and preschool programs. During certain times of the year, Monroe residents can take advantage of free food, free holiday programs to give away holiday toys, school supplies, and more.

The Center for the Elderly also provides safe and reliable transportation to destinations in Ouachita Parish with wheelchair accessible buses and vans. Emergency rental and housing assistance programs, along with long-term support programs such as Section 8, are available in the parish and city of Monroe. Every year, more than 5,000 older people receive services that help them age in a healthy way at the Center for the Elderly. If you are a senior citizen living in Monroe, LA looking for low-cost or free programs, don't hesitate to reach out to the City of West Monroe Louisiana - West Ouachita Senior Center. They are here to provide assistance with social needs such as utility bills and refrigeration assistance, nutrition assistance, rent and mortgage assistance, job placement, and preschool programs. The Center for the Elderly is committed to helping seniors in Monroe live a better life.

With their help, you can access vital services such as emergency rental and housing assistance programs, long-term support programs such as Section 8, and seasonal services like free food and holiday programs. Don't wait any longer - contact the City of West Monroe Louisiana - West Ouachita Senior Center today!.

Ava White
Ava White

Freelance travel fanatic. Coffee expert. Lifelong tv advocate. Friendly social media enthusiast. Professional internet ninja.