What is the Cost of Participating in a Senior Citizen Program in Monroe, LA?

Ouachita Parish in Louisiana is home to a vibrant community system that caters to people over 60 years of age. The Ouachita Council on Aging (OCA) is responsible for providing a comprehensive and coordinated system of care for older individuals, allowing them to live independently, meaningfully, and with dignity in their own homes and communities. Recent research conducted by Feeding America has placed Louisiana third in the country in terms of food insecurity among seniors. Residents of Ouachita Parish are eligible to participate in the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), which provides access to food establishments in other parishes.

The state has also been successful in obtaining the State Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESG). The Louisiana Commodity Supplemental Food Program (LA CSFP) is one of forty-three CSFP state programs across the country and is currently the third largest program in the nation. The Home In Monroe program is dedicated to providing investments to promote homeownership in the city of Monroe, Louisiana. It is illegal to receive more than one box of CSFP food from two different centers in the same month, and this can result in expulsion from the program and a bill for the value of the benefits received illegally. The Monroe Senior Center provides information on pricing, hours, and directions.

The program expense ratio is calculated by dividing program expenditures by total expenditures (the average for the last three nineties).

Ava White
Ava White

Freelance travel fanatic. Coffee expert. Lifelong tv advocate. Friendly social media enthusiast. Professional internet ninja.