Getting Involved with Local Organizations Supporting Seniors in Monroe, LA

Are you looking for ways to get involved and make a difference in the lives of seniors living in Monroe, LA? There are many opportunities to do so, from volunteering your time to donating money or resources. The City of Monroe has invested in programs that help people achieve independence and success, and works with other departments and divisions of the city, Community Housing and Development Organizations (CHDO), and subbeneficiaries to support the Mayor's efforts to build strong families and healthy neighborhoods. The City has used the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) grant, and the State's competitive Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) funding for investments. The Global Community Development Grant (CDBG) is one of the most flexible forms of financial assistance available to the City.

HUD provides a global grant to the City in an effort to help with a wide range of housing and community development activities, which focus on housing, economic development, and the improvement of community facilities and public services. The City has employed a range of creative approaches to community development efforts, such as revitalizing neighborhoods in decline, preserving existing housing stock, and supporting non-profit organizations. The Division of Community Development seeks to ensure a better quality of life for its low-income residents. The City is also a participating jurisdiction (PJ) of the Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME), which is used to increase safe, sanitary, decent, and affordable housing for low and very low-income residents. The City's goal with this grant is to identify affordable housing needs and use its funds to finance the purchase of homes or the rehabilitation of eligible homeowners and buyers of new homes; build or rehabilitate rental or property housing. The City has successfully competed for the State Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESG) since its implementation.

The City grants its ESG funds to 501(c)(non-profit) organizations for the purpose of meeting the requirements of providing basic shelter and essential services to the homeless. The Monroe Area Counseling Center, Our House, the Salvation Army, and Wellspring use the City's ESG funds to help with operating and maintaining their facilities, case management, transportation, and child care. These organizations use their United Way funds to meet the requirement to provide a dollar-for-dollar counterpart of their ESG awards. The Area Agency on Aging provides guidance for home care, meals, medical services, prescription assistance, and home and community care. The Home In Monroe program is dedicated to providing investments to promote homeownership in the city of Monroe, Louisiana. If you are interested in getting involved with local organizations that support seniors living in Monroe, LA there are many ways you can do so.

You can volunteer your time at one of these organizations or donate money or resources. You can also contact your local government representatives or contact one of these organizations directly for more information on how you can help.

Ava White
Ava White

Freelance travel fanatic. Coffee expert. Lifelong tv advocate. Friendly social media enthusiast. Professional internet ninja.